Monday 24 December 2012

Tour Article Number Twenty Five - Buduruwagala

When we travel on the Wallawaya Thanamalvila road, we can turn from the 48 mile post and go nearly 4 kilometers then we can arrive to the Buduruwagala temple. This place was hidden a long time in the woods but now it is little bit open. In present days this is the statue that made on the existing rock. Main statue is nearly 46 feet high and there are 6 more statues. This rock is nearly 70 feet long.
This place was named as Buduruwagala because of this main statue what is made of stone. From there arts, we can say that this place was go to 8-9 centuries in the history. This statue shows demi relief manner. And from the main statue there are three bodhisattva statues for the each side. From the characteristics of the main statue, there is idea that this is a “Deepankara Buddha” statue.
To the right of the main statue, in the middle there is an “Awalokitheshwara” bodhisattva statue (25 feet high) with its left “Thara devi” statue (21 feet high) which shows “Thribhanga” style and with its right “Sudhana Kumara” statue (23 feet high) was created. According to “Mahayana Buddhism” that the “Thara devi” was “Awalokitheshwara” bodhisattva’s wife. So artist was shows the charm of the women that the statue he was created as “Tara devi”.
To the left of the main statue, in the middle there is a statue of the “Mithree” bodhisattva (25 ½ feet high) who became Buddha in the future. On its left “Wajrapaani” statue (22.4 feet high) and its left with “Manju Sri” statue was created. from the “Manju Sri” statue they token erudition and from the “Wajrapaani” statue, the sound of dharma and the protection. As result of the tight of the stone, mouth of the statue was rectangular shaped and the wrinkles of robe is also show the same thing because it was made from the chunam paste.
When we see these statues in the middle of the jungle our thoughts get peace for a little time. Result of the time the nature and the things were changed. So we are unable to recognize the things that the history try to say us. However these statues were still in placed in the original places having there all respects from the Buddhists.

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