Now a day’s most of my friends
find their love. They even do not know how much of those will ends with the marriage.
Because present people thinks love is as an only a word, only a fashion. They
do not know the true meaning of love. Today they meet one they love that person
then tomorrow another one. Some of boyfriends got several girlfriends. And mobile
phones make this problem worst. They do not have any time to do useful thing to
country or their future. They only try to talk hours and hours with their love
one after another. Oh, I’m going to wrong direction from the story.
So when they become lovers,
the boyfriend will put some regulations to girlfriend such as you have to eat
like this, dress like this have to these places, do not do these things, etc.
But this all the things are which of the things that boyfriend do not like. I
have a question. Is there no life for a girl or do not he likes? Think a
little. They suffer there life time which they have to enjoy. In childhood they
do not have experiences about life so it was dangerous. So parents put some
regulations. Then after release them to world when they can understand what is right
and what is wrong. But when they got freedom from their parents, they want to
have a boyfriend to feel their freedom. But that one also put the regulations
and shows some colorful world. Then girl thinks this is the world i was
imagined. But it is not. They think to become one, and then we will enjoy our
freedom. After the marriage is there any time for freedom? They have to earn
money for live and to build a place to live. After that they got children and
their works. After all of this things
they thinks “Oh god the time was passed for enjoy my life. Now there is nothing
left.” then sorrow “I am unable to do those things in my life.” But then it’s all over.
My solution for that is, this
is the time for enjoy your life so do it. But keep your things in your limit
which is in your culture and understand your parents told you in your
childhood. Another thing to think is that will that boyfriend give a freedom for
your life in future which is now he did not give you? Meaning of love which I
can understand is a something that the couple will help each other to solve their
problems and work with better understanding. And they must prepare to face to
the future. Love is not the wasting time for chatting only. Think that do you
want person who do not care other things except love which they even do not know
the meaning of that word?
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