Friday 30 November 2012

A Blood Donation Campaign…..

I choose the name as a blood donation campaign; because this is one of the different blood donations I have ever seen in my life. That is organized by us, students of the south eastern university of Sri Lanka faculty of applied sciences. This is our third time. In here I saw a rare thing that was our Muslims also given blood. This is a thing I have personally appreciated. Because they are usually do not like to donate blood. I think they do not know what is it and what are the benefits they got from that. That is the reason they do not like to give blood or there will be other things. Whatever I hope this is only a beginning. Now I will explain a little about what is the blood donating.
Normally human body contains 6 l of blood and in the donation of blood we take only 350-450 ml. That will use to save lives. As a Buddhist this is a meritorious deed. And there are people who think when they donate blood there will be disease affected to the body. This is a wrong idea. If the equipments are clean, donator is well healthy there is no side effect. Do not worry about that. But when the blood was take out there is little difficult at that time. Because the decrement of the volume of the body liquid. And also fainting, protuberance in the place that the blood taken. So we have to be careful for three days from the blood donated day. Do not try to do any tiredness things to the body.

What are the benefits from the donating blood? This is the important part of the blood donating. Because everybody asks for benefits before they start any kind of work. When we donate blood, new blood was creating. That is the main thing. This blood is very energetic that old blood. For that process our body gets nearly 120 days. Another thing was there that the all persons cannot give blood. The person who donates blood should have at least 50kg weight and 18-55 ages can only give blood. If the person affected with any infectious deceases or sexual deceases they are unable to donate blood. If do not pass 3 months when you face deceases such as malaria, hepatitis, mumps, chicken pox, etc. normally we can give blood the period of 3 months. But I recommended it as 4 months.

What did they do to you blood? They use them do give to the people who met with Accidents, and the people with lack of blood. Do you know that in the world one person request blood per every 3 seconds? And in the hospitals one person from the admitted persons need blood. This blood cannot make so it was very valuable. For a year 405million of Americans die because of come short of blood. The doctor who partook our campaign is said that they save three lives from that blood which given by donator. So give blood and save life.

Anyway donating blood is a valuable thing to do. For our campaign we invited to Kalmunei, Ashroff memorial hospital and Ampara general hospital. I would like to thank all doctors and others who came to the campaign. Also like to thank to police officers Sammanthurei and Air force officers in Malwaththa camp who came to donate their blood. And thanks for the brothers and sisters who donated their blood. Thanks for the all people who helped to success this work.

Photos I was taken is uploaded to facebook because to share with my friends. Here is the link you can see them too.


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